Monday, November 29, 2010

I See You Everywhere 44-80

Summary: These few pages have been filled with drama and surprises. Ending of Louisa's story she informs the reader that Clem was pregnant and was abused by her baby's father. Completely opening my eyes as to why Clem acts the way she does sometimes. Then to start of Clem's chapter she expresses how she feels that everyone must depend on her when she is having a hard time. Clem has two part time jobs, is working on her thesis and is her mother as well as Louisa's therapist. Clem to the rescue!

Quote: " I know a lot, but around her, its never enough. "

Reaction: This quote means a lot to to me because it's Clem's first expression of jealousy towards Louisa. Throughout the book the girls go back and forth about experiences and life. Mostly Louisa complains but now Clem is showing her soft side. The heart braking rebel is expressing envy.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I See You Everywhere (1-44)

Summary:This first chapter of Glass' book holds background on the story and a double narrative that transfers from her [ Louisa ] to her younger sister [ Clem ]. After living a rough and rival child hood the sisters are forced back together by the death of their grate aunt Lucy. The girls both speak of their past with Lucy, although it is clear that Clem held a deeper relationship with her than Louisa did. In Louisa's explanations of the events occurred and occurring she expresses much jealousy towards Clem because of favoritism and boys. But in a swimming accident in which Louisa's life is saved by the calm words of Clem, she starts to want to reconstruct that sisterly bond to ask Clem a question. What that question is still remains a mystery to me.
Quote: "I ought to love living but I didn't." ( Glass 6 ) 
Reaction: This quote holds a strong purpose in the chapter because it is such a depressing way to start the story of death and rivalry. Also it contradicts the life styles of the girl's grate aunt Lucy. As described by both girls she was such a life filled character at such an old age that one would expect the girls to look up to that and want to live life to the fullest. Well that was correct for Clem but opposite for Louisa who I'm determined to find out why she is so sad and depressed. With such a strong quote comes strong emotion and trauma. This is a mystery I'm ready to solve :)