Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Page 62-120)

Summary: Marquez continues his narration as a spectator similar to the other towns people. He points out that the day that Nasar is to be killed the Bishop went to town so the towns people forgot about Nasar's problems. Reminding us that the Vicario brothers successfully murdered Nasar he avoids telling us how he was murdered and jumps to telling us the story of the Vicario family after the consecutive dishonors. The two brothers are sent to jail and Angela along with her mom move to a different town a days travel far from their original town. Angela's story is told deeper as we are told that she feels sorrow not because of her dishonor or Nasar's death but because she ended up loving the man she was to marry. She sends him letters weekly for 7 years an he ends up coming back to her although he ever actually reads any of the letters. Back in the town, the murder of Nasar is questioned after his poorly done autopsy. It is pointed out that Angela never gave official proof or detail as to how and when Nasar took her virginity, asides from the fact that they were never seen together. Towards the end we are informed that Nasar's death was due to stab wounds and landed face first on his kitchen floor. He was told to run but the brothers still caught up with him and after being stabbed he walked home and died on his kitchen floor. The narrator ends with the same thought as the reader, " Nasar died without a clear idea of the motive for his murder." 

Quote: " There's no drunk in the world who'll eat his own crap " (Marquez 105)

Reaction: This quote drew my attention because although the major difference in culture we say that aswell, although it is followed by "a drunk similar to a child never tells a lie". It is shocking that so far into the story people are still questioning the Vicario brother's plans. Even though their reaction is reasonable as their family was dishonored. Still I can't help but to question if Nasar was really guilty. Although if he wasn't, the question of why Angela would accuse him still floats around.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Page 1-62)

Summary: Marques introduces the novel by letting us know that Santiago Nasar was going to be killed and everyone knew about it but somehow the word never reached him. By giving us the information of Nasars normal daily habits and how on the day of his death he did things particularly different, we would figure that he would somehow be suspicious of his surroundings. From weird dreams to passing his sister who he normally would sexually violate without even a touch even his family knew nothing good was coming. The narrator takes a while to advise us of why it is that Nasar is to be killed and  then gives him the benefit of the doubt for the crime e was accused of. It turns out that a woman that was to be married named Angela Vicario has dishonored her family because the day she is to be married her husband finds out she has lost her virginity. For this she is sent back home in shame. Once back in her home the woman is beat by her mother and then questioned about her virginity. She accuses Nasar of taking it causing her brothers to repay it with the death of Nasar. This made me question the traditions of this culture reasons being that when a woman says her virginity was taken by a man there is no way to prove it was the man she accuses. While out on rampage the brothers of Angela spread word of their plan to murder Nasar and are even reported to the police. When confronted, the boys get their knifes taken away, but this wont stop them as they return home and get new knifes. The people of the town aware of this believe that they are bluffing since the family is of good people. The police officer who is also tired of the recent fights he has broken up doesn't take into to much consideration into the brothers crime, everyone thinks they are blushing.

Quote: " And might a person know why you want to kill him so early in the morning ? " ( Marquez 54 )

Reaction: This quote was interpreted by me as both the hypocrisy and a joke. The fact that Armenta would include the " so early in the morning " in her question seams as if she is poking fun at the brother's response to the question of why they are searching for him. At the same time the quote is hypocritical because according to the narrator the whole town knew about the plans, although they thought it was a joke. So why would Armenta as such a question? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fat Cat 50 Cent And The Rise Of The Hip-Hop Hustler ( Page 129-172 )

Summary: Taking us back to the dark ages of hip hop chapter six " Straight Outta Hollis " mentions Tupac Shakur and the Notorious BIG's east and west coast drama. To us this is a dark and dreaded time as the two legends no longer live, but at the time, it was a marketing strategy that was bound to work. The beef of the east and west coast rappers caused those who listened to want to buy both sides of bash out records. This chapter also includes the involvement of Puff Daddy between this bashing out. In a song by Knight and Death Row they mention how Puffy is" Weaker than a f***ing Block and told Biggie " You claim to be a playa/ but I F***Ed your wife". This verbal abuse was bound to cause drama when touring from coast to coast, not only for artist but for the public who listened to it. Things soon started to become personal and the life of Shakur was stolen by some crips in an intersection. This tragic murder was captured by hotel security cameras. Brown does a great job

Quote: "It is also a telling that Rosemond often uses the word discipline to characterize the Quad Shooting...the motive for the incident was not robbery but Rosemond's wish to teach Shakur a lesson for being disrespectful towards him." (Page 130)

Reaction: This quote is connected to the murder of Shakur. Brown states that according to insiders the killing of Shakru had something to do with personal business between him and Rosemond. But I believe if that's the cause of the matter than all rappers from both east and west coast should have suffered the consequences. A rapping battle should not have affected the life of a legend. Till this day the legend of Shakru lives.

Fat Cat 50 Cent, And the Rise of the Hip-Hop Hustler (Page 87 - 129)

Summary: Part two: Hip - Hop begins with Brown explaining that Hip-Hop and being an informant were ways to get out of Queens and make a good living, money wise. Then there wad the “Entrepreneurial-style hustling ". According to Brown this was the most intelligent because it produced decent money and minimal risk. See the job of these hustlers was to do planed robberies and stick-ups. The down fall of gangster crews, caused Hollis to not have a main control source, therefore entrepreneurial hustlers flourished. Brown then begins to introduce us to the rise of some present successful formal musicians. He introduces Russell Simmons as a “mediocre hustler with a terrible shot ". Informing us that in 1975 he left the street life for college. Life in collage was tough for a hustler, thus Simmons used to hang out in the student lounge and the. Trip on LSD during weekends. This all changed when he was given the blessing of hip-hop one day at a Harlem Club. Giving birth to the Successful man we still manage to see now on television and his fame attracting son Diggy Simmons also as a musician.

Quote: "People who have the opportunity destroyed their lives. Instead of moving up a lot of kids moved down "(Brown 87)

Reaction: This quote drew my attention because that is what many adults say to their kids when they hear about a gang killing or drug abuse kill. I would have to say that this quote ties back to the past and also holds our future. Till this day and days that come forth kids with the up most potential will throw there life away till they get the push or "miracle" that they need. Perfect example, Russell Simmons.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fat Cat 50 Cent And the Rise of the Hip-Hop Hustler (pages 43-87)

Similar to any punishment, the time of both Preme and his lieutenant Prince ended and the both went back to doing what they know best. Disappointingly for both men the police also knew how to do their jobs right and landed both men back in jail as well as most of the crew members after a Supreme Team house raid. Tired of the misfortune the crew was having, Preme's once trusted friend fired everyone in the crew and took all the profits. Enraged but powerless, Prince made the decision of continuing his job, within bars. Clearly indicated by the title of Brown's new chapter, the game had clearly changed and disappointingly taken a turn for the worst. Petty teens and admirers of Fat Cat, Preme and Prince where emerging and unlike the original gangsters ( OGs ) they wanted to mark their territory with killings. Causing trouble in the streets law enforcements where obligated to protect their street allies. This though wasn't enough as an innocent witness of a shooting " Green " was killed after testifying. Soon any whiteness was to be threatened with death if they where to testify. Even law enforcement was drawn into this outrageous crime spree and officers where killed as well. Bad enough that part one is over, Brown leaves us with the simple fact that the " want to be " OGs are facing a bigger gang called the NYPD.
Quote: " They used to watch Scarface and The Godfather and they wanted to be that. But the biggest gang in New York is the NYPD so if you hurt one of them you're asking for trouble. That's what the streets got after the killing of Edward Byrne: trouble " ( Brown 56)
Reaction: This quote is included in Brown's book as stated by a former Corley Family member. This quote is powerful and long as he is stating that the fight for power lays beyond the street. It is more often showed in movie than in real life but there is a belief that the police although thought to be more mature has a power struggle as well as gangs to the point where they want to be feared by criminals.

Fat Cat 50 Cent, And The Rise Of The Hip-Hop Hustler (pages 1-43

Summary:Ethan Brown begins by introducing the history how the mafia lead to petty gangs and eventually to big time bosses who would stop at nothing to prove they shouldn't be messed with. Taking place in New York the many different neighborhoods where thought to be a reference of your class and your occupation would determine where you live. Like every other state New York had addicts. These addicts where particularly a treat to the mafia because " the Mafia had the best of both worlds: Dealers and middlemen were forced to come to them for products..." (Brown 4). According to Brown the drug addicts where so bad that the thought of a person dying from to strong a substance made them want to try it. Consequently like any epidemic the Heroin one expanded and soon began to collapse. New gangs where formed and bosses such as "Fat Cat" and "Preme" began to leave a mark on the streets. Upsetting authorities both Preme and Fat Cat had a wanted sign hanging over their heads. With the help of informants and rivals the police were able to capture Fat Cat and subsequently Preme. Although both men where behind bars, that wasn't enough to put a halt to their business. This was proven by the successful orders of the killing of Fat Cat's parole officer.

Quote:"And the guys from the projects didn't like the guys from Hollis because they lived in Hollis. It was just animosity" (Brown 7)

Reaction:This quote is stated by Brown when indication how the drama between neighborhoods emerged. I particularly like this quote because it reminds me of how gang members are now. Most gangs build up as a family and end up disliking each other because of silly things such as where you come from. That then leads to killing and fighting, imagine what where to happen if the gangs had problems over important issues!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Lovely Bones (110-219)

Summary: These next few pages describe the grief of the friends and family of Susie. At her memorial service, her sister Lindsey faints as she see's Mr.Harvey walk in, as her suspicions rises. Ruth who was one of Susie's best friend turns out to be Lesbian and has a great obsession with finding out the truth behind Susie's murder. Only finding comfort in her boyfriend, Lindsey loses her virginity at camp. And soon after her husband being attacked wrongly in the Corn field, Susie's mother cheats on him with the officer investigating her daughter's death. Things can't seem to get worst but they begin to get better as Lindsey takes part in helping her broken father find closure in Susie's death. For a brief moment we are told the question all detectives wonder about serial killers, why? As it turns out Mr. Harvey had a life changing experience as his mother ran over his father. But shortly after, Sebold brigs us back to the present day drama on earth as Ray and Ruth ( who was said to be lesbian ) begin to have feelings for each other. A bigger tragedy occurs when Susie's mother leaves her home, and Lindsey finds out about the affair with detective Len. But to not end up in completely terrible terms, we are told that Mr.Harvey is being searched for with sketches of him all over the place as the truth comes out after he moves out of his home. Ironically a family with three girls moves into his home.

Quote: " When the dead are done with the living, the living can go on to other things " ( Sebold 145 )

Reaction: This quote was said to Susie by Franny ( her heaven mother ). Such strong words made me wonder when all the drama on earth would stop. Also it made me wonder if it is time for Susie to let her family move on and rest in peace.

The Lovely Bones (1-110)

Summary: Sebold starts of her wonderful novel by giving a first person description of Susie Salmon, who was 14 when she was murdered. She was killed in an underground " club house " in a corn field near her school by her neighbor Mr.Harvey. This novel intensifies as it gives the reader all the detail and information about the murder. But draws us in as she explains how others begin to come upon the situation. While reading I realized the quote " Curiosity killed the cat " is quite true. Susie was drawn into the cave like structure by the interest of how it was made and what was inside. Not knowing that in the time she was there she would be raped and murdered, taking her last breath. This novel is narrated by Susie from her heaven. Susie has the options of letting go and resting in peace but feels she can't do that until Mr. Harvey is found. Soon it becomes clear that little Susie wasn't his only victim. Susie was unpopular and had many goals in life and had a great connection with her mother ( before her death ). After her death, Susie's family begins to fall apart and she has nothing left to do but watch. Her once loving mother is trapped behind a cold shell, her brother is clueless, father broken and sister angry. they all just want a way out, but will they be able to make it out in one piece?

Quote: " I would find a quiet way, and I would kill him " ( Sebold 88 )

Reaction: This quote was said by Mrs.Singh, the mother of Susie's crush and first kiss, Ray. It caught my attention because she said it to Hal ( Susie's ) father as they discuss his suspicions on Mr.Harvey. Sebold states that her words start to sink into Hal's mind which makes me wonder if this is a hit to help the reader foreshadow the ending.