Sunday, December 12, 2010

I See You Everywhere 80-120

Summary:  These few pages of my reading where mainly narrated with Clem. Since I didn't post last week I will put you in the middle of the action. First of to inform you May ( Clem and Louisa's mother) has had her prize dog hounds dog napped as she like to call it by her not so loyal worker for 10 years. Clem is determined to help Tighty, her mother’s long time dog sitter and now enemy, recover his job. Still invading Clem's house is Louisa. During the planning of getting Tighty's job back the girls clash heads and have an abrupt argument. Tighty being used to it finds a way to calm the girls down and everything goes to normal. In the end of Clem's narration Tighty gets his job back and her and Zip are still together besides her constant attempts to end it. The birth of seven puppies seamed to help bring down the heat.

Louisa starts a narration where she speaks of her marriage problems as well as family. Her mother and father are lime her and Clem who are complete opposites. May is a heartless tyrant as well as Clem while Louisa and their father are quite calm and easy going but seam to have more of an emotional approach on life. In point Louisa is tired of her boyfriend's disturbingly calm personality and though she ran away for a while the author fails to give us enough context clues to foreshadow a break up or make up.

Quote: “Louisa never challenges these insults. She's been hearing them forever, I guess." (Glass 91)

Reaction: this quote was found in Clem's narration. She is speaking of Louisa always being insulted or made less by her mother. The author portrays the mother as such a tyrant that this would be expected but one would think Clem would have a better reaction than "I guess ". We all know that the two sisters are water and oil but blood is blood, or is Clem really as cold blooded as she is portrayed by Louisa?

1 comment:

  1. interesting how birth (even of puppies) can change relationships.
