Friday, October 8, 2010

Once in a house on fire Pg 40-86

Summary:  Andrea, her two little sisters, mother and step father all took a dramatic change, they moved to Canada! Andrea and her family moved to Canada to start a new life because during a visit her mother and step father decided it was a very good place to live. Half way across the world from their family and in a new continent with their abusive step father anything could go wrong, and everything did go wrong. Andrea’s mother had a far relative who lived in good conditions but also went through abuse, her husband died from a brain tumor. Everyone wished the same would happen to Andrea’s step father, besides the guilt. After a few months of living in terrible conditions and having went trough enough abuse, Andrea’s mother gathered enough money to move back to England and left her abusive husband, a happy ending, for now.
Quote:  “Life was to short, Auntie Penny had discovered over the years, to be anything less than sweet” (Ashworth 55)
Reaction: This novel so far seams to have some foreshadowing as shown in the last two quotes presented on my blog. Andrea shows that she as well as her other family members will learn and survive from the hard ships of life. In the end all of the events that are occurring in her life so far may be the things that made her who she is and allowed her to go so far in life.

1 comment:

  1. why did Penny feel life was short? More commentary needed on the actual quote
