Friday, October 15, 2010

Once in a house on fire pg.84-120

Summary: Now living with her aunt back in England Andrea and her family seams completely happy. Andrea got accepted into an excellent grammar school, life seams set until her mother gets a job and they have to move to a rough neighborhood. Now they have to attend a new school and the kids around the neighborhood aren't very nice. They make fun of her hard accent and life's hard. Andrea's mother keeps seeing her step father now that everything between them is resolved and he seams to be recovered. My only hope is that they don't get back together because I fear the worst is yet to come. Quote: " We lived to tell the tale,didn't we ?" (Ashworth 97) Reaction: This quote made me hit a light bulb. This was said by Andrea's mother as she reminisced about life in Canada. The fact that she said that and is still seeing Andrea's abusive step father in a way makes me foreshadow that they will end up together again. These pages were full of memories and disappointment because of the family's living conditions. Yet I see nothing wrong with it because its better to be safe and poor than rich and abused.

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